Fast Bowline

WykD_Dave: WykD_Dave is a rope artist in the truest sense of the word. His rope work has appeared on the big screen, in the Louvre, and Tirade Magazine. He has collaborated with such prestigious artists as Robert Wilson, Ate de Long, and Lady Gaga. Despite his superstar status, WykD_Dave remains most admired for his humility and dedication as a rope teacher and performer. You can check out his work and read his blogs at his website:

Comment on the Tutorial: The Fast Bowline is a great tie, but it is important to be aware that its knot may tighten under tension. This is less relevent in cases such as up lines for suspension, where most scenarios will not require the column tie to be undone.

In situations where a quick release option is desireable, a ulternative column tie variation such as the French Bowline or the Burlington Bowline may prove superior because there the knots do not tighten as much under tension allowing the tie to be undone reletively easily in an emergency.